This Walker Turner Woodworking Tools section features many of the woodworking tools sold by the Walker Turner Power Tool Company of Plainfield, New Jersey.
Walker-Turner Power Tools
Plainfield, New Jersey, USA
This Walker Turner Woodworking Tools section features many of the woodworking tools sold by the Walker Turner Power Tool Company of Plainfield, New Jersey. Their 1938 catalog identifies them as having all the resources of a modern plant containing over 150,000 sq. ft. of floor space devoted exclusively to the manufacture of Walker-Turner tools.
Early 1940’s catalogs as in the Walker-Turner Light-Heavyweight Machine Tools catalog indicate that the company was purchased by and made into the Walker-Turner Division of the Kearney and Trecker Corporation.
A Background of Experience into the developing and building of Walker-Turner Power Tools goes the vast experience gained in manufacturing and selling close to half a million modern and efficient light machines. These machines… in every quarter of the globe… in every size of plant… are giving their owners economical, dependable service. Thousands have expressed their unqualified approval of Walker Turner advanced design, precision manufacture and genuine, all-around value.
Behind Walker-Turner Tools is an efficient organization of trained specialists… men who know their jobs and like their work… whose sole aim is to develop the finest machines possible and to produce them in quantity at reasonable prices.
These days of irregular production programs, short working hours, and keen competition call for low-cost modern power tool equipment. Walker-Turner Equipment… because Walker-Turner Power Tools have demonstrated in thousands of shops that they have wider application, cost less to buy and less to operate. They fill today’s exacting requirements better than many tools selling at considerably higher prices. There are savings in store for you– with Walker-Turner machines.
From the 1938 Walker Turner Power Tool Catalog
Walker-Turner Tool Parts for Sale
Walker Turner Tool Parts for Sale
Walker-Turner Table Saws
Driver B575 7″ Bench Saw
B737 8″ Bench Saw
B995 10″ Bench Saw
TA990 8″ Tilting Arbor Saw
TA1165 10″ Tilting Arbor Saw
Walker-Turner Band Saws
BN550 Driver 10″ Band Saw
BN560 10″ Band Saw (The Driver “500” Band Saw)
BN730 12″ Band Saw (The Driver Line 12″ Band Saw)
BN905 14″ Band Saw for Wood
MBN935 14″ Band Saw for Wood or Metalworking
BN1135 16″ Woodworking Band Saw
MNB1105 16″ Metal Working Band Saw
Walker-Turner Drill Presses
D520 Driver 520 Drill Press
D570 Drill Press
D710 13″ Bench Model Drill Press
D925 15″ Bench Model Drill Press (Jacobs Chuck or Morse Taper Models)
D932 15″ Floor Model Drill Press (Jacobs Chuck or Morse Taper Models)
Walker-Turner Jointer Models
P525 Driver 4″ Jointer
P715 4″ Ball Bearing Jointer
P906 6″ Jointer
Walker-Turner Shaper Models
S985 Floor Model Spindle Shaper
Walker-Turner Belt and Disc Sanders
SM700 Universal Belt & Disc Surfacer
Walker-Turner Jig (Scroll) Saws
Driver J505 14″ Jig Saw
MJ744 24″ Direct Drive Jig Saw
J780 24″ Belt Drive Jig Saw
Walker Turner Wood Lathes
AD302 Wood Lathe
L30A Woodworking Lathe
Driver L500 Lathe
Driver L501 Metal Working Lathe
L540 Gap Bed 10″ Wood Lathe
L752 12″ Gap Bed Wood Lathe
L905 10″ Wood Lathe